Thursday, September 29, 2011

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Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

What is XML ?

Posted: 29 Sep 2011 08:40 AM PDT

The eXtensible mark up language (xml) is most commonly supported open technology also called as non proprietary technology which describes the data in a structured format to share and exchange between the applications. XML is designed to focus on data description of any type where it follows a standard data format for every different type of data. The contents in xml are highly structured which...

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Engineering Projects


Engineering Projects

Thermistor with OPAMP control circuit

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 09:59 PM PDT

Thermistor with OPAMP control circuit

Thermistor with LM324 OPAMP
A thermistor is a type of resistor used to measure temperature changes, relying on the change in its resistance with changing temperature. Thermistor is a combination of the words thermal and resistor. The Thermistor was first invented by Samuel Ruben in 1930.
If we assume that the relationship between resistance and temperature is linear (i.e. we make a first-order approximation), then we can say that: 
ΔR = Kδt 
Where ΔR = change in resistance ΔT = change in temperature k = first-order temperature coefficient of resistance 
Thermistors can be classified into two types depending on the sign of k. If k is positive, the resistance increases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistor, Posistor. If k is negative, the resistance decreases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. Resistors that are not thermistors are designed to have the smallest possible k, so that their resistance remains almost constant over a wide temperature range. 
Circuit Description: 
In this circuit the thermistor is used to measure the temperature. Thermistor is nothing but temperature sensitive resistor. There are two type of thermistor available such as positive temperature co-efficient and negative temperature co- efficient. Here we are using negative temperature co-efficient in which the resistance value is decreased when the temperature is increased. Here the thermistor is connected with resister bridge network. The bridge terminals are connected to inverting and non-inverting input terminals of comparator. 
The comparator is constructed by LM 324 operational amplifier. The LM 324 consist of four independent, high gains, internally frequency compensated operational amplifier which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide voltage range. The first stage is a comparator in which the variable voltage due to thermistor is given to inverting input terminal and reference voltage is given to non-inverting input terminal.
Initially the reference voltage is set to room temperature level so the output of the comparator is zero. When the temperature is increased above the room temperature level, the thermistor resistance is decreased so variable voltage is given to comparator. Now the comparator delivered the error voltage at the output. Then the error voltage is given to next stage of preamplifier.
Here the input error voltage is amplified then the amplified voltage is given to next stage of gain amplifier. In this amplifier the variable resistor is connected as feedback resistor. The feedback resistor is adjusted to get desired gain. Then the AC components in the output are filtered with the help of capacitors. Then output voltage is given to final stage of DC voltage follower through this the output voltage is given to ADC or other circuit.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...


Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

Paper presentations: Robotics Artificial Intelligence

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 12:29 AM PDT

Title: Artificial Intelligence - An Introduction to RoboticsDepartments: Computer science, robotics, Artificial intelligence, electronicsCan be used: Paper presentations, study the basics of robots and artificial intelligence. This is a paper presentation on basics of robotics and artificial intelligence. Both robotics and artificial intelligence is a booming topic in today's context. As...

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Engineering Projects


Engineering Projects

Digital to Analog Converter DAC 0800

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 09:55 PM PDT

Digital to Analog Converter : DAC 0800
Digital to Analog Converter(DAC 0800) with Current to Voltage converter(LM741)

In electronics, a digital-to-analog converter (DAC or D-to-A) is a device for converting a digital (usually binary) code to an analog signal (current, voltage or electric charge). Digital-to-analog converters are interfaces between the abstract digital world and analog real life. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) performs the reverse operation. A DAC usually only deals with pulse-code modulation (PCM)-encoded signals. The job of converting various compressed forms of signals into PCM is left to codecs. Basic Operation: The DAC fundamentally converts finite-precision numbers (usually fixed-point binary numbers) into a physical quantity, usually an electrical voltage. 
Normally the output voltage is a linear function of the input number. Usually these numbers are updated at uniform sampling intervals and can be thought of as numbers obtained from a sampling process. These numbers are written to the DAC, sometimes along with a clock signal that causes each number to be latched in sequence, at which time the DAC output voltage changes rapidly from the previous value to the value represented by the currently latched number. The effect of this is that the output voltage is held in time at the current value until the next input number is latched resulting in a piecewise constant output. This is equivalently a zero-order hold operation and has an effect on the frequency response of the reconstructed signal. 
Basic Operation: The DAC fundamentally converts finite-precision numbers (usually fixed-point binary numbers) into a physical quantity, usually an electrical voltage. Normally the output voltage is a linear function of the input number. Usually these numbers are updated at uniform sampling intervals and can be thought of as numbers obtained from a sampling process. These numbers are written to the DAC, sometimes along with a clock signal that causes each number to be latched in sequence, at which time the DAC output voltage changes rapidly from the previous value to the value represented by the currently latched number. The effect of this is that the output voltage is held in time at the current value until the next input number is latched resulting in a piecewise constant output. This is equivalently a zero-order hold operation and has an effect on the frequency response of the reconstructed signal. The fact that practical DACs do not output a sequence of dirac impulses (that, if ideally low-pass filtered, result in the original signal before sampling) but instead output a sequence of piecewise constant values or rectangular pulses, means that there is an inherent effect of the zero-order hold on the effective frequency response of the DAC resulting in a mild roll-off of gain at the higher frequencies (a 3.9224 Db loss at the Nyquist frequency). 
This zero-order hold effect is a consequence of the hold action of the DAC and is not due to the sample and hold that might precede a conventional analog to digital converter as is often misunderstood. DAC0800 The DAC0800 series are monolithic 8 bit high speed current output digital to analog faturing typical setting times of 100ns. When used as a multiplying DAC, monotonic performance over a 40 to 1 refeence current range is possible. The DAC0800 series also features high complemementary current output to allow diferential output voltages of 20 Vp-p with simple resistor loads. The reference to full scale current matching of better than l LAB elimanates the need for full scale trims in most application while the nonlinearities of better than 0.1 over temperature minimize system error accumulations. 
The noise immune inputs of the DAC0800 series wil accepet TTL levels with the logic thershold pin grounded. Channging the Vlc potential will allow direct interface to other logic families. The pefrormance and characteriststics of the device are essentially unchanged over the full 4.5v to 18v power supply range power dissipation is only 33mvw with +5v supplies and is independent of the logic input states. The output of the DAC is current signal. So it is given to current voltage converter which is constructed by the LM 741 operational amplifier. Finally the anlaog voltage is given to Triac or SCR control circuit.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...


Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

Telecom jobs for engineers in BSNL (Current opening)

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 07:43 AM PDT

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise) O/o Chief General Manager Telecom, Bihar Circle, Patna Recruitment of TTA  CLOSING DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: 31/10/2011 EXAMINATION DATE:  Date to be announced later Bihar Telecom Circle invites applications from eligible candidates to recruit Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs) in  the...

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Paper presentations - Object recognition with robots

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 04:52 AM PDT

Title: Discovering and learning to recognize objectsDepartments: Computer science, Digital signal processing, robotics.Can be used: Research purpose, paper presentations and educational purposes. This is an paper presentation which we collected from a sister site of MIT university. This is a paper published by the students of the prestigious university. This paper is completely about an...

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Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

What is XML ?

Posted: 29 Sep 2011 08:40 AM PDT

The eXtensible mark up language (xml) is most commonly supported open technology also called as non proprietary technology which describes the data in a structured format to share and exchange between the applications. XML is designed to focus on data description of any type where it follows a standard data format for every different type of data. The contents in xml are highly structured which...

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Engineering Projects

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Engineering Projects

Thermistor with OPAMP control circuit

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 09:59 PM PDT

Thermistor with OPAMP control circuit

Thermistor with LM324 OPAMP
A thermistor is a type of resistor used to measure temperature changes, relying on the change in its resistance with changing temperature. Thermistor is a combination of the words thermal and resistor. The Thermistor was first invented by Samuel Ruben in 1930.
If we assume that the relationship between resistance and temperature is linear (i.e. we make a first-order approximation), then we can say that: 
ΔR = Kδt 
Where ΔR = change in resistance ΔT = change in temperature k = first-order temperature coefficient of resistance 
Thermistors can be classified into two types depending on the sign of k. If k is positive, the resistance increases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistor, Posistor. If k is negative, the resistance decreases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. Resistors that are not thermistors are designed to have the smallest possible k, so that their resistance remains almost constant over a wide temperature range. 
Circuit Description: 
In this circuit the thermistor is used to measure the temperature. Thermistor is nothing but temperature sensitive resistor. There are two type of thermistor available such as positive temperature co-efficient and negative temperature co- efficient. Here we are using negative temperature co-efficient in which the resistance value is decreased when the temperature is increased. Here the thermistor is connected with resister bridge network. The bridge terminals are connected to inverting and non-inverting input terminals of comparator. 
The comparator is constructed by LM 324 operational amplifier. The LM 324 consist of four independent, high gains, internally frequency compensated operational amplifier which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide voltage range. The first stage is a comparator in which the variable voltage due to thermistor is given to inverting input terminal and reference voltage is given to non-inverting input terminal.
Initially the reference voltage is set to room temperature level so the output of the comparator is zero. When the temperature is increased above the room temperature level, the thermistor resistance is decreased so variable voltage is given to comparator. Now the comparator delivered the error voltage at the output. Then the error voltage is given to next stage of preamplifier.
Here the input error voltage is amplified then the amplified voltage is given to next stage of gain amplifier. In this amplifier the variable resistor is connected as feedback resistor. The feedback resistor is adjusted to get desired gain. Then the AC components in the output are filtered with the help of capacitors. Then output voltage is given to final stage of DC voltage follower through this the output voltage is given to ADC or other circuit.

Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

Paper presentations: Robotics Artificial Intelligence

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 12:29 AM PDT

Title: Artificial Intelligence - An Introduction to RoboticsDepartments: Computer science, robotics, Artificial intelligence, electronicsCan be used: Paper presentations, study the basics of robots and artificial intelligence. This is a paper presentation on basics of robotics and artificial intelligence. Both robotics and artificial intelligence is a booming topic in today's context. As...

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Engineering Projects

Engineering Projects

Digital to Analog Converter DAC 0800

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 09:55 PM PDT

Digital to Analog Converter : DAC 0800
Digital to Analog Converter(DAC 0800) with Current to Voltage converter(LM741)

In electronics, a digital-to-analog converter (DAC or D-to-A) is a device for converting a digital (usually binary) code to an analog signal (current, voltage or electric charge). Digital-to-analog converters are interfaces between the abstract digital world and analog real life. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) performs the reverse operation. A DAC usually only deals with pulse-code modulation (PCM)-encoded signals. The job of converting various compressed forms of signals into PCM is left to codecs. Basic Operation: The DAC fundamentally converts finite-precision numbers (usually fixed-point binary numbers) into a physical quantity, usually an electrical voltage. 
Normally the output voltage is a linear function of the input number. Usually these numbers are updated at uniform sampling intervals and can be thought of as numbers obtained from a sampling process. These numbers are written to the DAC, sometimes along with a clock signal that causes each number to be latched in sequence, at which time the DAC output voltage changes rapidly from the previous value to the value represented by the currently latched number. The effect of this is that the output voltage is held in time at the current value until the next input number is latched resulting in a piecewise constant output. This is equivalently a zero-order hold operation and has an effect on the frequency response of the reconstructed signal. 
Basic Operation: The DAC fundamentally converts finite-precision numbers (usually fixed-point binary numbers) into a physical quantity, usually an electrical voltage. Normally the output voltage is a linear function of the input number. Usually these numbers are updated at uniform sampling intervals and can be thought of as numbers obtained from a sampling process. These numbers are written to the DAC, sometimes along with a clock signal that causes each number to be latched in sequence, at which time the DAC output voltage changes rapidly from the previous value to the value represented by the currently latched number. The effect of this is that the output voltage is held in time at the current value until the next input number is latched resulting in a piecewise constant output. This is equivalently a zero-order hold operation and has an effect on the frequency response of the reconstructed signal. The fact that practical DACs do not output a sequence of dirac impulses (that, if ideally low-pass filtered, result in the original signal before sampling) but instead output a sequence of piecewise constant values or rectangular pulses, means that there is an inherent effect of the zero-order hold on the effective frequency response of the DAC resulting in a mild roll-off of gain at the higher frequencies (a 3.9224 Db loss at the Nyquist frequency). 
This zero-order hold effect is a consequence of the hold action of the DAC and is not due to the sample and hold that might precede a conventional analog to digital converter as is often misunderstood. DAC0800 The DAC0800 series are monolithic 8 bit high speed current output digital to analog faturing typical setting times of 100ns. When used as a multiplying DAC, monotonic performance over a 40 to 1 refeence current range is possible. The DAC0800 series also features high complemementary current output to allow diferential output voltages of 20 Vp-p with simple resistor loads. The reference to full scale current matching of better than l LAB elimanates the need for full scale trims in most application while the nonlinearities of better than 0.1 over temperature minimize system error accumulations. 
The noise immune inputs of the DAC0800 series wil accepet TTL levels with the logic thershold pin grounded. Channging the Vlc potential will allow direct interface to other logic families. The pefrormance and characteriststics of the device are essentially unchanged over the full 4.5v to 18v power supply range power dissipation is only 33mvw with +5v supplies and is independent of the logic input states. The output of the DAC is current signal. So it is given to current voltage converter which is constructed by the LM 741 operational amplifier. Finally the anlaog voltage is given to Triac or SCR control circuit.

Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to the world of ENGINEERING...

Telecom jobs for engineers in BSNL (Current opening)

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 07:43 AM PDT

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise) O/o Chief General Manager Telecom, Bihar Circle, Patna Recruitment of TTA  CLOSING DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: 31/10/2011 EXAMINATION DATE:  Date to be announced later Bihar Telecom Circle invites applications from eligible candidates to recruit Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs) in  the...

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Paper presentations - Object recognition with robots

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 04:52 AM PDT

Title: Discovering and learning to recognize objectsDepartments: Computer science, Digital signal processing, robotics.Can be used: Research purpose, paper presentations and educational purposes. This is an paper presentation which we collected from a sister site of MIT university. This is a paper published by the students of the prestigious university. This paper is completely about an...

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